How to become the best version of yourself and achieve all your goals

No matter what life situation you are in, no matter what challenge you are facing - whether you are broke, have health problems, or relationship or work problems, as long as you have a valid reason, you can overcome all challenges in your life.

This is because a valid reason for achieving a certain desired state, such as financial independence, health or a well-toned dream body, is stronger than the state of mind generated by the current difficult situation.

So, for example, if you don't have much money but you want to become financially free, sooner or later you will definitely manage to become rich and rise to the upper class, as long as you have a valid reason that is stronger than the negative thoughts generated by your present circumstances.

Your current situation is your current reality and for most people reality controls their consciousness and therefore their life. This is exactly why most people do not become successful.

So the question is, how do you manage to have strong motivations and motives and control your current difficult reality with your thoughts?

If you look at history, you will see that people like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, H.H. Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa managed to rise above their environment and reality so that their environment and reality no longer controlled their thinking.

These people were clear not only about what they wanted to achieve, but also what they did not want.

And that is exactly why their will to reach their goal was so strong. The "how" no longer mattered to them and their mind transformed into a route planner for their future.

Because once you know what you don't want, you realize that you really have to change something in order to achieve the desired state.

And the consciously felt pain that nothing will change if one does not act is then so strong that one consciously and unconsciously automatically takes all necessary measures to achieve the goal.

So strong motivations and motives to take charge of your life and your difficult reality only come when you become truly aware of and face the painful consequences of your inaction.

Only then do you really start to think intensively and to deal with your goals intesively.

And it has been scientifically proven that the more a person deals with and thinks about a particular subject, the more neurons the brain produces that are connected or correlated.

And the more neurons are connected, the more focused the person becomes.

This is the case when our behavior matches our intentions, when our actions match our thoughts, when our mind and body work together, when our words and our actions match, and when we do exactly what we really want to do.

Behind this behavior, these actions, words and deeds, there is an immense force: it is called passion.

Many people do not even bother to think intensively about what they really want in their entire life. Therefore, very many fail to acquire strong motivations and motives with which to control the negative thoughts generated by their difficult reality and environment.

For this reason, they never find their passion and live the life they really want with all their heart. Rather, they "live" an alienated life, which is determined and controlled by their environment and constantly fret about the evil superior, politics or the neighbor.

And then, because conscious and unconscious thinking constantly follows the same negative pattern, man creates the same circumstances in their life over and over again. Their past becomes their future and the confrontation with the same problems never stops because they projects their negative experiences onto their present.

In short, man becomes a slave to their externally determined thoughts and environment.

We must understand that what we think and believe has a profound effect on our world. Your thoughts have consequences on your life, because what you focus your attention on becomes your reality.

Pay attention to your thoughts,
because they become your words.
Watch your words,
because they become actions.
Pay attention to your actions,
because they become habits.
Pay attention to your habits,
because they become your character.
Pay attention to your character,
because it becomes your destiny!
- Charles Reade

Your mind can create your reality and the life you want to experience, but only if you know your purpose and find your passion.

Let me help you, too, to break your thinking barriers and live the life you've always dreamed of:

P. S.: These links will take you to the main page or to further articles on the topics self-realization, self-discovery, mindset and stress relief.


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