The two forces of life by which you become yourself
Forget all those, whose riches are based on corruption & bribery, criminality & unlawful acquisition, because riches acquired on bad way do not preserve long! And if, then the maintenance of such riches is always connected with permanent paranoia - with the fear to be able to lose them any moment. It is perhaps easier for some people to put people in the [...]
How you can keep calm and stay cool with 5 simple tricks
The most important rule for a successful career is: Stay always calm & don't panic, no matter how stressful, hectic or explosive the situation is. Easier said than done? In the following...
Learning by doing: Reading books - is that still necessary these days?
How much money do you want to earn? How big do you want your assets to be? What does wealth mean to you? The answers to these questions vary from person to person. While for one...
How you can best overcome your limits and mental blocks
A high level of self-discipline, perseverance and willpower are what separate the winners from the losers at the end of the day. But it's not about whether the level is already...